
Appearance Request

Irish American Young Leaders appear at events all over the state of New York. We are happy to participate in a wide variety of functions for numerous charities, community events, our armed forces and local businesses. Our titleholders are excellent speakers who are trained in professional etiquette. In addition to speaking to your audience, they are great at helping out with meet & greet, working with children, assisting with raffles, posing for photographs, signing autographs and other functions that are appropriate for your event. Irish American Young Leaders are invited to numerous events. We are appreciative of each request however; we are unable to fill every one. The more advance notice you can give us about your event, the better chance there is that we can fulfil your request. If you are interested in requesting one or more of our titleholders for your event, please complete the Appearance Request Form below or email Unateresa Gormley on irishamericanyoungleaders@gmail.com